Acerca de mim
- Montijo, Setúbal, Portugal
- Jesus disse: Ainda que eu falasse as linguas dos homens e dos anjos, se não tivesse amor, nada seria. Corintios, XIII Jesus said: Despite I said the languages of the men and the angels, if I did not have love, nothing I would be. Corintios, XIII
sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008
quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008
TEARS - John Kelly & Maite Itoiz
Tears are the diamonds of soul,
Please don’t be ashamed of crying.
Your tears come straight from your heart,
Don’t you know how pure they are?
If I could only dry them with my lips,
If I could keep them in my heart
But they belong just to your soul.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
Guess I can see it in your eyes,
I don’t need to ask you why.
Yes, you’ve been holding them too much,
Please don’t be ashamed of crying.
If I could only dry them with my lips,
If I could keep them in my heart
But they belong just to your soul.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
Like diamonds of soul they roll down your cheeks,
Like shine from the stars they light your face
But they belong just to your soul.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
Like diamonds of soul they roll down your cheeks,
Like shine from the stars they light your face
But they belong just to your soul.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
I thank you for sharing them with me.
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
Tears are the diamonds of soul.
---------- " ----------- " ------------ " ------------
Lágrimas são os diamantes da alma,
Por favor, não te envergonhes de chorar.
Tuas lágrimas vêm directamente do teu coração,
Não saberás tu o quanto elas são puras?
Se eu pudesse apenas secá-las com os meus lábios,
Se eu pudesse mantê-las em meu coração
Mas elas pertencem apenas à tua alma.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Sim eu posso vê-lo nos teus olhos
Eu não preciso de te perguntar porquê.
Sim, tu as mantiveste demasiado,
Por favor, não te envergonhes de chorar.
Se eu pudesse apenas secá-las com os meus lábios,
Se eu pudesse mantê-las em meu coração
Mas elas pertencem apenas à tua alma.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Como diamantes da alma que rolam por tua face abaixo,
Tal como a luz das estrelas elas iluminam o teu rosto
Mas eles pertencem apenas a tua alma.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Como diamantes da alma que rolam por tua face abaixo,
Tal como a luz das estrelas elas iluminam o teu rosto
Mas eles pertencem apenas a sua alma.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Obrigado por as partilhares comigo.
Lágrimas são os diamantes da Alma.
Lágrimas são os diamantes da Alma.
Lágrimas são os diamantes da Alma.
Lágrimas são os diamantes da Alma.
domingo, 27 de julho de 2008
sábado, 28 de junho de 2008
Last year I return to my home town, and during the local festivities I see the tradition became allied of the badness of some ignorant persons. I was surprised because, I came to live for one of the streets where the bulls are released during the local festivities, because it is near to the square of bulls, and for some hours people can play with the bull(s). Never thought I could seen people treat so badly the animals, and it real made me be very angry as I never thought I could feel. They forget that they come in to here by their own choice and Bull(s) are here because someone bring them into here, since they cannot choose. I am not against tradition, but yes, against badness. If people treat what they eat just like that, how they will treat other things…? It makes me think…
As I am sensible to energies, and even animals can speak with us in a spiritual way. Some months ago I started to have some dreams. I understand it was a call of help because they speak directly to me. In that time I doesn’t knew how I could help. But, as I agree to help, ways to help started to come to my mind. I already had in my home all the materials that was need, and a simple project was born in my mind. I drew it in to a sheet of paper and made it for real, as it is here now hanging in the veranda of my living room.
This was the initial project:

As all can see, I had so must more to say, but the space to write was so few, then, I decide only for that specific words:
“The tradition does not have to be allied to the ignorance.
The bull is here for your entertainment and not to be victim of your badness.
The bull is an animal, as such, reacts by instinct.
And you, for what you act? ”
My work is done. Now, I only can hope it brings the results for the reason why it was made…
quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2008
terça-feira, 8 de abril de 2008

P.S.I LOVE YOU, tal como o titulo sugestiona , trata-se de um romance dramático. Uma história de amor que explora o lado da perda, o aprender a viver sem o outro, aprender a viver com a perda daquele que amamos. Retrata a confrontação com a dor de um modo simples e sensível. Um prosseguir vazio desprovido de sentido. A procura de um rumo.
P.S. I LOVE YOU, mostra-nos o quanto devemos aproveitar todo o tempo que nos é permitido para estar ao lado dos que amamos, mostrando-lhes o quanto os amamos. E ensina-nos que mesmo apôs uma grande perda, é possível reencontrar um novo sentido. Um novo amor. Porque, a vida sem amor não faz sentido. Sem alguém com quem partilhar as nossas alegrias ou tristezas não tem cor. Sem alguém para nos confortar num abraço, não tem calor.
Chorar a perda… gritar a dor… enfrentar o vazio… e prosseguir…
Eu fui ver este filme no dia do meu aniversário. Uma semana antes tive um sonho onde me vi numa sala de cinema quase vazia. Soube que tinha de ir ver um filme, mas não sabia que filme. Procurei pelos cartazes dos filmes em exibição á espera que me fosse dada uma resposta, e foi ao abrir a imagem de cartaz do filme P.S. I LOVE YOU que senti uma sensação e soube instintivamente que era aquele o filme que eu teria de ir ver. Não tinha qualquer expectativa em relação ao filme, vi as imagens da apresentação e fiquei na mesma. Mas, sabia que se o filme que queriam que eu visse era aquele, decerto ele continha uma mensagem importante para mim.
Achei o filme delicioso. Uma história doce e comovente. Uma actriz convincente na sua interpretação e um actor com um sorriso e sotaque encantador (Irlandês de origem... afinal, ele é Escocês e não Irlandês). Mas, acima de tudo foram as imagens da paisagem Irlandesa que me prenderam a atenção. Desejei visitar aquele lugar. Sentir a sua energia que decerto terá muito para contar e ensinar.
Ver aquelas paisagens despertou na minha memória outras imagens do mesmo País, lembranças de contos sobre seres protectores da natureza… de lendas há muito esquecidas… mas, providas de imensa sabedoria ancestral.
English version:
PSI LOVE YOU, as the title suggest, is a romance. A love story that explores the side of the loss, to learn to live without the other, to learn to live with the loss of the one we love. Shows the confrontation with the pain from a simple and sensitive way. A continued vacuum devoid of meaning. The search of a direction.
P.S. I LOVE YOU, shows us how we should take all the time that we are allowed to be on the side of those who we love, showing them how much we love them. And teaches us that even after a great loss, it is possible to find a new direction. A new love. Because, life without love does not make sense. Without someone with who share our joys or sadness has no color. Without someone to comfort with a hug, it has no heat.
Cry the loss… shout the pain… face the empty… and continue…
I was watching this film on the day of my birthday. A week before I had a dream where I saw me in a room of cinema almost empty. I know it that I had to go see a movie, but did not know what movie. Tried to know by seeing the posters of the films on display expected to receive an answer and was will I open to the image of the movie poster PS I LOVE YOU, there I felt a sensation and knew instinctively that it was exactly that movie that I would have to go see. I had no expectation in relation to the movie, I saw the pictures of the presentation and was the same. But, I knew that if they wanted that I saw this movie, it certainly had an important message for me.
I found the film delicious. A real sweet and touching story. An actress convincing in her interpretation and an actor with a charming smile and pronunciation (of Irish origin... after all, he is Scottish, not Irish). But above all were the images of the Irish countryside, that had arrested all my attention.
I whished to visit that place. Feel the energy that certainly will have much to tell and teach.
See those landscapes awakened in my memory other images of the same country, memories of stories about beings protectors of nature…, legends so long forgotten… but provided with immense ancestral wisdom.
quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2008
sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2008

Existem momentos em que a timidez e a felicidade se tornam cúmplices de sentimentos puros...
Existem momentos que nos marcam profundamente a Alma...
Momentos mágicos de magia inquebrável.
Momentos singulares que dão um sentido à vida.
Momentos em que não podemos negar o que o coração nos fala.
E quando no decorrer de um desses momentos uma música que te é agradável se faz ouvir... acredita que para sempre essa música te fará recordar daquele momento...
Guardo um momento no meu coração, selado por uma música...
Como uma pedra preciosa do valioso tesouro impregnado na minha Alma.
English version:
There are moments in life where the emotions stay awaken, exalting deep feelings...
There are moments where the shyness and the happiness becomes accomplice of pure feelings...
There are moments that deeply mark our Soul...
Magical moments of unbreakable magic.
Singular moments that give a direction to our life.
Moments where we cannot deny what the heart speak to us.
And when in during of one of these moments one music that is pleasant to you it makes to hear... believes that forever this music will make you to remember of that moment...
I keep a moment in my heart, stamped for one music...
Like a precious stone of a valuable treasure impregnated in my Soul.
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